Thursday, October 13, 2011

Crossing My Fingers

by: Jaimie Gleissner

When I woke up this morning, I realized that it was not Wednesday. In fact, today is Thursday which means this post is a day late. Between catching up with friends and trying to find some sort of routine, I've completely lost track of days. Oops.

Although I don't know what day of the week it is, I've successfully managed to make decisions. There were days in Alaska where I'd sit down and think myself into a state of nausea while contemplating my future. I came up with several career paths: flight attendant, teacher, bar owner, dragon pilot, etc. Obviously, a few of these idea were a little far fetched. I have a bad habit of convincing myself that I'll be really great at anything I try, and I'm the first person to quit when I realize I might have to put in a lot of work to reach my goal.

Back in the real world, I've become more realistic. Would I like to be a dragon pilot? Heck yeah! Have I realized the chances of that happening are unlikely? Sadly, yes. On the other hand, I'd probably end up singed by fire breath. That's why instead of worrying about a career in handling mythical animals, I've decided to push my moving date to the beginning of November. Two weeks from now, I hope to be on my way out to Colorado. Ideally, I'll even have a few job interviews lined up when I get out there.

Nothing is more exhilarating and terrifying as embarking on an unknown adventure. I never would have guessed that I'd be more nervous about trying to find a job in an unsteady economy than heading into the Alaskan wilderness. Right now, I'm just crossing my fingers and hoping that the move goes smoothly. Wish me luck. 

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